
Dirt Devil Quick Flex 2-in-1 Handheld/Stick Bagless Vacuum, BD20050 - Cordless Review

4.4 out of 5
20 Mar 2020
Dirt Devil Quick Flex 2-in-1 Handheld/Stick Bagless Vacuum, BD20050 - Cordless
dirt devil quick flex 2 in 1 handheld stick bagless vacuum bd20050 cordless
4.4 out of 5
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Searching for a well known stick vacuum? The Dirt Devil Quick Flex 2-in-1 Handheld/Stick Bagless Vacuum, BD20050 - Cordless may have what you desire. This review will go into details about the score, popularity and price of this product, so that you can make the best decision before buying. We think it's also a good idea to also check the user reviews, because this will make it easier to get a good idea about what other users have to say about this product.


This product is amongst the most popular stick vacuums. Our data shows that it is more popular than many of stick vacuums in the same category that we have in our database. If you look at the user opinions, you will be able to get a good set of opinions on this item before buying.

Comparison Table

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Editor Rating:
4.4 out of 5
4.5 out of 5
4.1 out of 5
  • Powerful 12 volts for cordless convenience
  • 2-in-1 power with a stick vacuum and hand vacuum in one unit
  • Bagless design with easy dump dirt cup.
  • Motorized brushroll for maximum pick up.
  • Folding handle which is great for storage in tight spaces.
  • 14.4. Volts of extreme power that rivals even cordless upright vacuums
  • Cordless convenience means no hassle with wires and plugs
  • Versatile for carpet or bare floor cleaning because the revolving brush can be turned on and off
  • Easy to store thanks to the fold down handle
  • Lightweight and low-profile design that is ideal for cleaning underneath furniture
  • 2-in1 Cordless Hand and Stick Vacuum that gives you the convenience of a hand and stick vac in one
  • 14.4 V of cordless power
  • True Cyclonic Technology - cyclone separates fine particles of dirt before they reach the filter for easy filter maintenance
  • Motorized brushroll cleans hard floors and carpets with ease
  • Easy-to-empty Dirt cup - clear cup lets you see when it is time to empty and simplifies dirt removal
Brand:Dirt DevilDirt DevilHoover
Warranty:1-Year Limited Warranty1-Year Limited WarrantyLimited 2-year warranty
Release Date:2011-08-01
Sales Rank:
Lower means more popular

User Reviews

Click here to view the more detailed list of user opinions on this product. Below you will see a few small excerpts taken from an editorial review for this product:

Two convenient uses in one product; powerful surface cleaning with the stick vac and easy above floor cleaning with the detachable hand vac. 12 volts of power and motorized brushroll for your quick pickups. Clean around your kitchen, bathroom or living area with the Quick Flex 2-in-1 Stick Vac. A m... show full review


The data that we've collected shows that Dirt Devil has produced quite a few stick vacuums. The average score that we've got for this brand is 4.5 out of 5. This is based on 8 total vacuums. Compared to other brands, Dirt Devil is ranked number 7 out of 26. Dirt Devil have made a few other popular stick vacuums, like these:

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This product is likely more popular than your average stick vacuum, which can be good as you are aware that it is probably a good one. Buying a less well-known product can sometimes make it difficult to acquire additional customer's thoughts and opinions. A higher quantity of product sales will often imply that the item will be worth acquiring.

The Dirt Devil Quick Flex 2-in-1 Handheld/Stick Bagless Vacuum, BD20050 - Cordless is well liked amongst other people, and that is why it's quite popular.
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Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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